Not all Pokémon are created the same. Some will level up and evolve naturally, while others will need a small push, such as an evolution st1. Most stones are easy to get and can be purchased, but there are some that must be sought. Here is how to get the moon stone in scarlet and violet Pokémon. Area three of the South Province Puerto Marinade Location of the scarlet moon stones and Pokémon Violet All lunar stone evolutions Location of the scarlet moon stones and Pokémon Violet Moon Stones cannot be purchased at Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and it must be achieved as brilliant elements in the open world. We have found two in the game so far, and the good news is that at least one of them can be achieved quite soon. Area three of the South Province Image source: The Pokémon Company through Image Source: The Pokémon Company through Image Source: The Pokémon Company through The first lunar stone can be found in area three of the southern province, at the foot of the cliffs. You wil...